







2017年10月通過(guo)改制(zhi)重(zhong)整(zheng),建龍北滿特(te)(te)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)引進建龍集團先(xian)進的體制(zhi)機(ji)制(zhi)、企(qi)業(ye)文化和經(jing)營理(li)念,并投資技改,使公司步入了發展快車道。目前,企(qi)業(ye)擁有(you)國(guo)內一流(liu)、國(guo)際領先(xian)的四(si)條(tiao)精品(pin)(pin)特(te)(te)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)生產線(xian),包括(kuo)Ф5mmΦ25mm規(gui)格(ge)特(te)(te)殊鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)線(xian)材(cai)(cai)(cai)生產線(xian)、Φ20mm-Φ120 mm規(gui)格(ge)小棒(bang)材(cai)(cai)(cai)生產線(xian)、Φ80mm-Φ310mm規(gui)格(ge)大棒(bang)材(cai)(cai)(cai)生產線(xian)、獨具特(te)(te)色的鍛造(zao)產品(pin)(pin)生產線(xian)。公司棒(bang)線(xian)材(cai)(cai)(cai)產品(pin)(pin)主要有(you)軸承鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、汽(qi)車鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、鐵(tie)路(lu)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、工(gong)程機(ji)械用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、礦山鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、船舶(bo)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、石(shi)油用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、彈簧鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、簾線(xian)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)絞線(xian)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、焊絲鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、冷(leng)鐓鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、減速(su)機(ji)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、鍋爐管坯(pi)、調(diao)質材(cai)(cai)(cai)等。鍛造(zao)產品(pin)(pin)主要有(you)冷(leng)軋(ya)輥坯(pi)、軸承鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、工(gong)模具鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、不銹鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、鼓(gu)風機(ji)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、船舶(bo)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、高壓鍋爐管坯(pi)、減速(su)機(ji)用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)、石(shi)油用(yong)(yong)鋼(gang)(gang)(gang)(gang)等。產品(pin)(pin)廣泛應用(yong)(yong)于軸承制(zhi)造(zao)、汽(qi)車制(zhi)造(zao)、工(gong)程機(ji)械制(zhi)造(zao)、航(hang)(hang)空航(hang)(hang)天裝(zhuang)(zhuang)備(bei)(bei)(bei)、海(hai)洋工(gong)程裝(zhuang)(zhuang)備(bei)(bei)(bei)及高技術船舶(bo)、先(xian)進軌道交(jiao)通裝(zhuang)(zhuang)備(bei)(bei)(bei)、節能與新能源、電力(li)裝(zhuang)(zhuang)備(bei)(bei)(bei)等領域。

建龍北滿(man)特(te)鋼為國家(jia)高新技(ji)術(shu)企(qi)業(ye),擁有國家(jia)企(qi)業(ye)技(ji)術(shu)中心(xin)、博士(shi)后科研工作站、CNAS認(ren)可實(shi)驗室、黑(hei)龍江省高品質(zhi)(zhi)特(te)殊鋼工程技(ji)術(shu)研究中心(xin);公司(si)通過了(le)ISO 9001、IATF 16949、GJB 9001B、API Q1質(zhi)(zhi)量(liang)管(guan)理(li)體(ti)系認(ren)證(zheng)(zheng),ISO 14001 環境管(guan)理(li)體(ti)系認(ren)證(zheng)(zheng)、ISO 45001職業(ye)健康(kang)安全管(guan)理(li)體(ti)系認(ren)證(zheng)(zheng)、ISO 10012測(ce)量(liang)管(guan)理(li)體(ti)系等(deng)認(ren)證(zheng)(zheng),******實(shi)現全員(yuan)、全過程的產品質(zhi)(zhi)量(liang)控制和質(zhi)(zhi)量(liang)保(bao)證(zheng)(zheng)。




Jianlong Beiman Special Steel Co.,Ltd is located in Qiqihar city, Heilongjiang province, the north of China. Qiqihar is an excellent city for ecological and environmental protection in China. The blue sky and green space attract the world's largest number of red crowned cranes to inhabit here. And the percentage of the clear days throughout the year reaches 98.1%. Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has always adhered to the developments centered on humanity, green, environmental protection, safety and low-carbon. With an investment of 30 million Euros in safety and environmental protection, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has achieved the target of 100% green electricity, scrap recycling, low-carbon emissions, and friendly environment, becoming one of AAA industrial tourist destinations in China and attracting a large number of tourists to visit. Jianlong Beiman Special Steel is continuously committed to the construction of environment-friendly enterprise and has made great contributions to local environmental protection.

Jianlong Beiman Special Steel Co., Ltd was founded in 1952 and has been developing for seventy years continuously. With the constant upgrading of the equipment and technology, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel is the first manufacturer that enlarged the hot rolled size from diameter 200mm to 310mm, and the first manufacturer that produced the quenched and tempered bars. Since 1990, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has been carrying out international cooperation continuously, providing valued services to over 200 customers worldwide, and supplying key special steel materials for the production of major technical equipment in various industries.

In 2017, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel joined Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group. Jianlong Group is the 8th of the largest steel producing groups in the world with a total production capacity of 40 million tons. With investment of 310 million Euros, Jianlong Group has input new equipment, new technologies, and talents to Jianlong Beiman Special Steel, enabling the enterprise to enter the express way of development.

Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has built first-class production lines in China, including high-speed wire rods, hot rolled bars, forged products, and cold drawn materials, reaching the production capacity of 2.2 million tons of special steel annually

Specifically, it has the ability to produce 900,000 tons of hot rolled bars with size range of diameter 19mm to 310mm, 100,000 tons of forged bars and forgings with size range of diameter 200mm to 1,000mm, and 1 million tons of wire rods with size range of diameter 5.5mm to 26mm. Taking customers as the center and innovation as the foundation, deeply focusing on high tech, high quality and advanced special steel products and markets, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has upgraded the steel products strongly, enhancing the core competition. At present, the products supplied by Jianlong Beiman Special Steel are widely used in bearing manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, engineering machinery manufacturing, aerospace equipment, marine engineering equipment and high-tech ships, advanced rail transit equipment, energy conservation and new energy, power equipment and other fields.

Jianlong Beiman Special Steel is a high-tech enterprise with a National Enterprise Technology Center and a laboratory approved by CNAS, The core products of bearing steel have been certified by international companies such as Schaeffler in Germany, SKF in Sweden, and Timken in the United States. The steel for ships has been certified by nine major classification societies, including DNV in Norway, BV in France, and ABS in the United States. The Automobile steel has been awarded the title of "Outstanding Quality Product in the Metallurgical Industry" for many times; 300,000 Tons of Special Steel annually are exported to more than 60 countries and regions including Europe, America, Asia and Africa, especially mining steel, quenched and tempered materials, and anchor chain steel .

Under the guidance of the goal of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality, Jianlong Beiman Special Steel has been continuously investing for Carbon emission reduction. With technological innovation as the lead, Jianlong Beiman has achieved high-quality developments by promoting intelligent manufacturing, green and low-carbon developments rapidly, becoming a leading special steel enterprise and coexisting with the city.

公司地址:黑龍江省齊齊哈爾市富拉爾基區紅岸大街7號 銷售總公司傳真:0452-6801685
郵政編碼:161041 辦公室電話:0452-680167 7銷售總公司電話:李先生18145329626
版權所有:建龍北滿特殊鋼有限責任公司         網安備案號:201102039